The Future of Managers in an ever Polarized World
The Tale of Two Cities, by noted author Dickens, commenced with the following words
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us…”
and surely this rings as true today as it did during the period that it was set in, pre-French Revolution.
Whilst chaos ruled the land and all seemed to be lost, within it there was hope. Likewise, we have witnessed an event of global cataclysmic proportions unfold since Q1 of 2020 and in Malaysia specifically, since 18 March 2020 when the first of the Movement Control Order (MCO) came into effect.
This wee micro-organism called the CoVid-19 has left many businesses closed, with more on the verge of closure, many employees being asked to leave, simply due to the business’s inability to sustain them, so adding them on to the unemployed statistics and critically leaving employees destitute. And the predictions are that the worst has yet to come.
Already we are seeing the polarization of the very fabric of our society with overtures being made to garner the popular vote. Such shifting from the center to the very ends of the proverbial continuum is a fall out from the health, economic and social challenges that this virus has caused individuals and Nations alike. All economic sectors that require proximity of people to have them effectively operate such as manufacturing, aviation, hospitality, and F&B to name a few have been severely impacted. Whilst the shock of the CoVid-19 to the Malaysian-cum-the Regional economy was synchronized, in that it impacted all sectors almost concurrently, it is envisaged that the recovery of these economies will not be such. Instead, it is predicted that a staggered restarting of the economy will take shape.
Within these tumultuous changes lies some positive impacts of the Pandemic to the business environment. The technology that was humming ceaselessly in the background until today, has been brought to the front and center of all organizations. The ability to start effectively managing remote performance has become a reality. The management of outcomes vs activities is taking shape. However, what is fundamental across all sectoral growth has been the need to have a managerial base that provides the very anchor on which to build organizational sustainability which in turn builds a competent talent pool that will allow for future critical growth. It is with this in mind that the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) comes into its own.
With a clear focus by CMI UK on nurturing managers to better led and manage organizations, the complementary emphasis for the Regional Board of CMI Malaysia is to become the go-to professional body for professional development and networking for our local and global members alike.